Right to Know

College can be hard. FLCC wants students to understand what services and programs are available to assist them to be as successful as possible.

Communication & Contact Information

FLCC communicates with enrolled students a number of ways.

Email — FLCC assigns all students an institutional email: username@fingerlakes.edu. You should be checking your student email each week. This email also gets the Laker Ledger, which is the student's weekly newsletter with key information about events, deadlines, programs, and what's happening on campus.

Brightspace — If you are enrolled in an online course, it will be housed within this learning management system (LMS). Many of our in-person classes will also access this platform. Brightspace has announcements to at you should be aware of.

MyFLCC — Students should make sure their contact information is accurate in MyFLCC. FLCC uses the contact numbers and emails to send out class cancellation or emergency notifications.

Flickbot — FLCC's mascot is always here to help you if you need it. Flick's text number is: 559-19 Not getting texts? Email studentaffairs@flcc.edu with your phone number and we'll add you to Flick's database.

Starfish — Starfish provides a convenient way for students to connect with faculty and staff. Students can utilize Starfish to schedule appointments with instructors and advisors, search through available campus resources, and request help.

Throughout the year, FLCC will be emailing, calling, or sending mail. To ensure you receive the information in a timely manner, please confirm your information in MyFLCC is up to date. The College will send emails to a student's fingerlakes.edu account. Please make sure to check it on a regular basis.

If you need assistance, you may contact the One Stop Center (onestop@flcc.edu).

College Catalog

The College Catalog contains information for degree requirements. The Catalog also has the following information:

  • Cost of attending the College.
  • Information regarding the College's academic programs.
  • Entities that accredit, license, or approve the school and its programs and procedures for reviewing school's accreditation, licensing, or approval documentation.
  • Requirements for officially withdrawing from the school.
  • Description of any special services and facilities for disabled students (Please note: The process for requesting services and/or accommodations are outlined in the Procedures for Services to Students with Disabilities guidebook available from the Admissions Office, and the Disability Services office).
  • Employees and their titles responsible for institutional and financial assistance disclosure information are available in the catalog or student handbook. Employees are available during business hours, Monday–Thursday from 8:30 AM to 5 PM and Friday from 8:30 AM to 4 PM.

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising, Career and Transfer Services Office (AACTS) has professional academic advisors to assist you with course selection, long-term degree planning and transfer or career path information.

Note: While your advisor will provide you with guidance in terms of course selection and sequence, it is ultimately your responsibility to know your degree requirements and to satisfy these requirements. If you choose to take time off from the College and curriculum changes occur within your degree program, you may be required to satisfy any new requirements.

Students who are matriculated (looking to earn a degree) will also be assigned a faculty member in their degree program who will work on course selection and/or career and transfer advice for students.

Each semester a student is required to meet with an advisor (faculty or AACTS) to be cleared to register for the upcoming term. Information on when the class schedule is available is sent to students via email and announcements.

Thinking of dropping a class? Withdrawing from all courses? Please talk with an advisor before you decide to leave the College. We want to make sure you understand all of your options and responsibilities if you indeed decide to stop attending. Contact aacts@flcc.edu or call (585) 785-1268 to schedule an appointment (or schedule an appointment through Starfish.

Center for Student Well-Being

(Room 3260; (585) 785-1211)

The Center for Student Well-Being offers in person health and counseling services and virtual medical and mental health appointments. The Center also offers assistance with basic student needs such as food, transportation, housing, and emergency funding.

The office also adjudicates any on-off campus Code of Conduct violations and coordinates investigations of Title IX (NYS Article 129B) complaints.

Student Health Programs

Wellness care, prevention, treatment, and counseling are provided under the direction of a registered nurse. Use the student health portal to schedule a visit for common illnesses (cold & flu), injuries, mental health concerns, and healthy living consultations.


All students who are seeking a certificate or degree are eligible for TimelyCare. This 24/7, 365 on-demand telehealth, telecounseling and emergency support is FREE. Registration only requires a student to use their fingerlakes.edu email. There is no insurance requirement. Available in all 50 states.

Emergency Supports

Life happens! We're here to help. FLCC has limited student emergency funds, for students who find themselves experiencing a financial emergency which jeopardizes their ability to continue to attend FLCC. From financial resources, books/supplies and computer needs to food cupboard and transportation support. All resources are available to students regardless of where you live. Step #1: let us know what you need.

Institutionally Recognized Name Form

The College's Institutionally Recognized Name policy allows students and employees to officially notify the college of their Institutionally Recognized name(s) and preferred pronoun(s), and have this request reflected in on-campus communication systems (e.g., Colleague, Email, Brightspace, Maxient, Campus CE, Housing, Slate, Starfish, Web Advisor, MyWCOnline, etc.). The Institutionally Recognized name is used for purposes of including, but not limited to, support of the LGBTQIA+ community, international students, nicknames and/or individual partiality. Institutionally Recognized names are limited to alphabetical characters, a hyphen (-), and a space.

Notifications can be made in person to the Center for Student Well-Being or by submitting a Institutionally Recognized Name form.

Health Insurance Programs for NYS Residents

New York State also offers health insurance programs for NYS residents. For more information, visit https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

FLCC follows all drug and alcohol prevention information pursuant to Public Law 101-226; visit www.flcc.edu/studentwellbeing.

Disability Services

(3rd floor Charles J. Meder Library – 3580; (585) 785-1441)

Disability Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating accommodations and support services. Students seeking accommodations or support services must provide documentation from a qualified source. Disability Services is a designated voter registration site; voter registration forms are available upon request.

FLCC Nondiscrimination Notice

Finger Lakes Community College does not discriminate based on an individual's race, color, national origin, including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, religion, creed, age, disability, gender expression, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, veteran status, domestic violence victim status, criminal conviction or any other category protected by law in any education program or activity, including employment, applicant for employment, intern (whether paid or unpaid), contractor, student, or applicant for admission.

As required by the 2024 Title IX regulations, Finger Lakes Community College does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including in admission and employment.

Institutional Member of the Student Conduct Institute. State University of New York. View TIX training.

Inquiries about Discrimination and Title IX may be referred to Finger Lakes Community College Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinators, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. Finger Lakes Community College’s Title IX Coordinator is the Chief Human Resources Officer, Room 1340, TitleIX@flcc.edu, 585-785-1428. The Deputy Title IX Coordinators are Sarah Whiffen, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Student Center room 2153, TitleIX@flcc.edu, 585-785-1284, and Jennifer Parsons, Assistant Director, Talent Management, Human Resources Room 1350, jennifer.parsons@flcc.edu, 585-785-1466.

Finger Lakes Community College's Non-Discrimination Policy and grievance procedures can be located on the FLCC Policies and Legal Notices webpage.

The College prohibits conduct by any employee or student that disrupts or interferes with another's work performance or educational experience or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work or educational environment due to discrimination based on protected status. In keeping with this goal, the College is committed to educating employees in the recognition and prevention of workplace and educational discrimination, sex discrimination, and sex-based harassment.

To report information about conduct that may constitute discrimination or sex discrimination or to make a complaint of discrimination or sex discrimination under Title IX or Finger Lakes Community College’s Non-Discrimination Policy, please refer to Finger Lakes Community College's Policies and Legal Notices webpage.

Pregnant and Parenting Students

It is the policy of Finger Lakes Community college to provide equal opportunity and protection against discrimination and harassment, as defined in the college's Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy and as otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which extends to pregnancy and parental status in educational programs and activities.

Pregnant and Parenting Student resources covers pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination or loss of pregnancy, recovery from birth, and care for infants (including breastfeeding and pumping). We ask that you alert us if you fall into one of these categories so we can better support you. Use this form to disclose your pregnancy to the College administrators.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I am pregnant, will I be able to continue to attend Finger Lakes Community College?

Pregnant students may continue participating all classes and co-curricular activities and organizations. Students who are pregnant are treated as students who have temporary medical conditions. Students can request reasonable adjustments or accommodations to better help them continue their classes or co-curricular activities while pregnant.

What are possible reasonable accommodations I can receive?

Reasonable accommodations for pregnant and parenting students are the same as accommodations offered to students with other temporary medical conditions. Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to, providing a larger desk or workspace, extended deadlines, make-up test dates, alternate assignments to replace in-class participation, online course completion options, excused absences, or incomplete grades.

How can I request reasonable accommodations?

A student should schedule an appointment with the AVP of Student Affairs (Deputy Title IX Coordinator) or Sr. Director of the Center for Student Well-Being to discuss any request for accommodations. In some situations, the Disability Services Coordinator may be part of the process for accessing accommodations.

Can I take a leave of absence due to pregnancy, childbirth, or parenting?

FLCC does not have a formal leave of absence policy or process however, if your situation requires you to leave due to medical purposes, the College will work with you to ensure the best academic outcome possible. This may include backing you out of classes with limited financial liability, taking incompletes in courses or receiving a "MW" (withdraw) on your transcript.

What if a faculty member says I cannot miss class, earn back missed participation, or make up missed work due to doctor appointments or recovery?

Although your professor may have an attendance and participation policy, they are bound by federal law to not discriminate against pregnant and parenting students. Faculty are obligated to excuse absences due to prenatal doctor appointments, labor and delivery, recovery, or other pregnancy-related medical needs. Your absences can be excused for as long as your doctor deems it medically necessary and you should be given the opportunity to make up any missed work or participation points. Please contact the AVP of Student Affairs (Deputy Title IX Coordinator) or Sr. Director of the Center for Student Well-Being if you believe that your professor is not following Title IX guidelines as they relate to your academic rights as a student.

Will I be eligible for additional financial aid due to pregnancy or parenting?

It depends. Many factors go into determining a student's Dependency Status as it relates to federal and institutional financial aid. It is recommended that you reach out to Student Financial Services to determine your individual eligibility.

I plan to or am currently breastfeeding and need a place to feed or pump. Where can I do that?

FLCC has a lactation room available for nursing employees and students. To find out more about this program, please contact Human Resources (humanresources@flcc.edu) for more information on access to the facility.

I recently discovered I am pregnant and would like to know my options?

As of August 1, 2023, New York State Law 129 requires higher education institutions to provide students with information and referrals to providers authorized to prescribe medication abortion prescription drugs. If you would like more information on this topic, please contact studenthealth@flcc.edu or send a secure message through the Student Health Portal or make an appointment with one of our onsite health care practitioners. Please note, Student Health Services is only open during regular business hours. If you need urgent services, please consider contacting TimelyCare.

Additional Pregnancy Resources

Student Complaints and Concerns

To report a complaint or concern, please visit the Student Complaints and Concerns web page to review information and guidance for various categories.

Academic Support

College-level classes can be challenging. At FLCC we have a variety of academic support services to help you succeed! MyWCOnline allows you to select tutoring help from our Math Center, Writing Center or Science Incubator at the Canandaigua campus as well as at all of our campus centers. We also offer limited tutoring for some subjects not covered in those areas. Tutors can work with students individually or in small groups. In-person or online the choice is yours. All services are FREE! Visit: www.flcc.edu/learningsupport/ for more information.

Looking for help with time management, tips for online learners or how to overcome math anxiety? Don't worry we have a free resource called: StudentLingo which is a series of interactive, on-demand workshops, action plans and valuable resources focused on helping you achieve your academic, career, and personal goals while in College. Visit www.studentlingo.com/flcc and log in with your fingerlakes.edu email.

ThinkingStorm is embedded within Brightspace, FLCC's learning management system (LMS). All online classes are taught on this platform and many in-person courses also use it. All students have a Brightspace account and ThinkingStorm is on-demand professional tutoring service when you need it. ThinkingStorm is free to students as well.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. The full document and guidelines and be found at: https://www.flcc.edu/policy/ferpa/.

Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

The College designates the following as directory information and will release it without prior written consent, unless the student has informed the Registrar in writing during the annual notification period* that they do not want their directory information released. The directory information includes:

  • Legal Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Photograph or Likeness
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • College-assigned email address
  • Major Field of Study
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  • Dates of Attendance at FLCC
  • Degrees, Certificates and Awards Received
  • Eligibility for Honor Societies
  • Most Recent Previous Educational Agency or Institution Attended by the Student
  • Dean's List Qualification
  • Solomon Act – Military Access to Education Records*

* The Solomon Amendment (10 U.S.C. §982:32 C.F.R. 216.65 F.R. 2056) is not a part of FERPA, but it allows military organizations access to information ordinarily restricted under FERPA for the purpose of military recruiting. Specifically, the Solomon Amendment permits the Department of Defense entities to physically access institutional facilities to recruit students, and to obtain students' names, addresses, phone numbers, age, class, and degree program once every term. The Solomon Amendment only applies to enrolled students over age 17.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Finger Lakes Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

U.S. Department of Education
Student Privacy Policy Office
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20202

Financial Aid Office

(Room 1145: (585) 785-1276)

Please contact the Financial Aid Office or visit our website for the following information:

  • Description of all available federal, state, local, and institutional need-based and non-need based programs, including application form and procedures www.flcc.edu/aid/
  • Student eligibility requirements: www.flcc.edu/aid/eligibility.cfm
  • Rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV and other financial aid, including:
    • Criteria for continued eligibility: www.flcc.edu/aid/eligibility.cfm
    • Method and frequency of financial aid disbursements: www.flcc.edu/aid/
    • Terms of federal loans, sample repayment schedules, and the necessity for repaying loan: www.flcc.edu/offices/financial-aid/loans.cfm
    • General conditions and terms applicable to any employment offered as part of a student’s financial aid award: www.flcc.edu/jobs/
    • All federal student loan borrowers are required to complete online entrance and exit counseling: www.flcc.edu/offices/financial-aid/
    • Enrollment in a study abroad program approved for credit may be considered at FLCC for purposes of applying for federal financial aid assistance. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for details.

Student Accounts Office

(Room 1070; (585) 785-1405)

  • Refund policy (The College’s refund policy is outlined online at www.flcc.edu/bursar/refunds.cfm)
  • Requirements for the return of Title IV funds
  • Summary of requirements for the return of Financial Aid Title IV grant or loan assistance by withdrawn students. Information is also available online at www.flcc.edu/bursar/refunds.cfm.

Office of Assessment, Planning and Continuous Improvement

(1260; (585) 785-1464)

The Office of Assessment, Planning and Continuous Improvement provides information regarding FLCC graduation/completion and transfer out rates and is in compliance with the Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-542). For detailed consumer information, visit www.flcc.edu/about/consumer/.

Office of Student Life

(Room 2135; (585) 785-1264)

FLCC wants you to be successful both in and out of the campus. We have Distribution of Voter Registration Forms

Hard-copy voter registration forms are available in Student Life and at each campus center site.

Athletics Office

(Room 3881; (585) 785-1459)

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (information about athletic program participation rates and institutional financial support for each program)

Office of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

(Student Life Office, Room 2120; (585) 785-1284)

Oversees the Academic Standing Process each semester and criteria to reestablish eligibility if student fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress, which impacts financial aid and attendance at FLCC.

The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs also serves as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator and is responsible for oversight of the College's response to NYS Article 129 B, Enough is Enough and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (2013).

Office of Campus Police

(Room 2202; (585) 785-1900) – Emergency: 911

The office is committed to providing safety, service, and professionalism to the community. As sworn peace officers, the team is dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of everyone on the campus.

Campus Police can assist in crime investigation, victim assistance, crime prevention information and general requests for help.

The office is open 24/7, 365 days a year.

FLCC’s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years’ reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by FLCC, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Office of Campus Police or by accessing the following Web site: www.flcc.edu/safety.

FLCC Reporting Options

Use this form to report bias, policy violations, misconduct, and other concerning behavior at FLCC.

Report a Concern

Staff are Here to Help

The Center for Student Well-Being assists with issues related to health & wellness, basic needs, and more.

Request Support Services

Contact Us

Community Standards and Counseling
Room 3260
(585) 785-1211
(585) 396-0905

Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk-In Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Virtual/Remote Services currently available. Please contact us by email or phone.

Appointments Preferred. Schedule in Starfish/Blackboard